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Episode 03: Ravioli Party at Rodney's

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:37:44 pm
by Dean Kowalski
Alright, post-tribal council time. You had a day for a challenge, a day for tribal, but tonight was back to the ol' challenge AND tribal in a single night. James won the immunity, and Morgan was voted out. Let's discuss a few things.

  1. How do you feel about the immunity competition with James winning it, and then Morgan being voted out tonight? Did everything go according to plan?
  2. I'm noticing some chat rooms popping up. Are you in any of them? How about any alliances or F2 agreements?
  3. At this point, is your bounty still something important to you, or has it taken a back seat to your gameplay?
As always, good luck, and if you feel like adding anything else to strategize or vent, feel free to let the lurkers know what's true on your mind!

Re: Episode 03: Ravioli Party at Rodney's

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 9:52:01 pm
by Voce
Hey Dean/Lurkers

1.James winning immunity was not ideal, he was the original target. And had he been voted out I wouldn't have had to explain too much to Morgan since we barely talked anyways. No James is gonna wonder why I lied to him blah blah blah.

2. I have what I think are alliances with Mike, Paul, Hali, Sydney.  And the Kitchener alliance with Michelle. Mike seems to be the middle man in most of my alliances so I think he's gaming way harder than he wants to tell me.  I wonder sometimes if he's the one who keeps voting for me since James and Morgan voted for Sydney.  It could be crazy Rodney too hmmmmmmmm.

3. Rodney is my Bounty and no one seems to bring his name up. I don't wanna push too hard for it cause I don't have a good enough reason to give.  I just hope it happens naturally. Maybe I'll tell Mike that I think Rodney was the one who keeps voting for me and see what happens.

I have not spoken about a F2 with ppl yet. Are other people? Please reply to this message and let me know who's been talking about this.  So also it is a final 2 not 3. I assumed so but this confirms it.  

P.S. the chats still aren't open. James must be fuming.

Re: Episode 03: Ravioli Party at Rodney's

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:20:16 pm
by Dean Kowalski
I have not spoken about a F2 with ppl yet. Are other people? Please reply to this message and let me know who's been talking about this.
Do you... wanna be in a F2 with me? 😳

Re: Episode 03: Ravioli Party at Rodney's

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2022 3:45:06 pm
by Voce
Hey lurkers/weirdos

I think it might be time to start putting Rodney's name out there. 

So Me, Mike, Hali, Stephanie (even tho I haven't talked to her much), Paul and Michele all voted together. So did Naseer and Rodney. But I'm not sure Naseer is trustworthy to stick with a specific group. James also told me he trusts me and Naseer.  But instead of going for James or Naseer I think it would make sense to try and take out Rodney. He's always capable of being a swing vote down the line which could hurt me if he's on the wrong side.  Plus if we take him out now we would still have a majority. And you obviously know that there's the added bonus of him being my Bounty.  I wasn't gonna try it, but although ppl haven't directly mentioned his name I think people wonder if he's the one that keeps voting for me. Stephanie wondered if it was him. To be honest I don't even care if it's him or not but it makes a convenient excuse. It's a short game and I think it's time to try to make a move that makes sense for myself. This would be presented at final tribal as my move since I wanted the Bounty. Truth be told I think I also was the first or one of the first to get the ball rolling on James' name yesterday too.  Maybe this is too easy for me. Kidding. Don't use that against me later. 

I hope I didn't miss anything because I have a few posts in my confessionals already and if someone checks my profile in the forum they can see that it's the place I have posted the most. I might have to make a few posts at tribal tonight to increase the count there.  Also if u have any questions feel free to ask if that's allowed.  Last time I played I didn't post my thoughts enough.