- Thu Dec 08, 2022 4:47:08 pm
So....just an update on what exactly my plans are going forward.
Honestly I don't even know where to start. I feel like I have these small conversations with everyone but I also don't trust anyone to tell them something and they won't go tell someone else.
I would like to be in some sort of alliance where I can at least go 2 votes in a row without all this scrambling and worrying about what to say to who. But I don't even know where to start.
Starting with James. I'm assuming he doesn't fully trust me but at least I told him the truth, that if he can't even get the majority of ppl I won't bother exposing my position. He talks as if he wants to try something so who knows if he has some advantage of some sort. Also so many ppl voted for Naseer that maybe he actually had some sort of secret steal a vote last night. But then how did he know to put his steal a vote on Naseer. Ok so that probably didn't happen.
Mike-i talk to him the most. I would totally be willing to work with him long term. I always do wonder if he's being honest in the things he says. Like last night after the vote I started talking to him, and he thanked me because he said I was the only one talking to him at that very moment. I almost find that too hard to believe. And then he named ppl he trusted most but left Hali off of the 4 or 5 ppl he named, which to me was shocking. Maybe I should just put all my trust in him and see if anything gets leaked. And if I'd does then I'm screwed, but if it doesn't then I would know for sure he's with me for sure.
Stephanie- she talks to me very little, I feel like she only talks when she needs info, like how I voted last night, or my relationship with Sydney, but nothing else like strategy moving forward or anything.
Sydney. She's not online alot so we barely talk. But I'm getting the hints that ppl think we're waaaay closer than we are. This is because I told a few ppl when this game started that I don't wanna vote for her since I did that last time we played. Then in the group chat a couple of nights ago I said I'll vote how she votes, and now ppl assume that were super tight. I would love to work with her still. I'm still not sure if she would ever vote for me tho or not. But I don't know what to say, like if ppl start suggesting voting her off just because they wanna make sure we're not super tight, that's not a good enough reason. Why lose someone who I doubt would ever join James side for example.
Hali/Michele - they're pretty similar in the sense that I talk a little to both but not super much. I would be totally willing to work looong term with them but I also don't know how much exactly I can say to either of them without it getting out. The only difference is I feel like Michele is slightly more on the outs with Stephanie, Mike, Rodney than Hali is.
Paul - I was always suspicious he might be with James, it sounds like after last night that he's not. But he also told James I think that I wasn't fully with him before the vote.....so not super sure exactly. I could work with him but with James gonna I think that would be easier. Unless we both went and worked with James, but I can't even suggest something like that cause I have no idea exactly what he is actually thinking.
Rodney- I really don't think ppl wanna vote him out. I almost feel more and more like I could work with him. He came to me after the vote and said he was left out and didn't know Naseer was the target. He wasn't but because Naseer ended up leaving I think he is having a hard time trusting everyone. Maybe even me. I also feel like ppl don't wanna vote him out but they also don't wanna tell him info.
All in all.....did u get all that? I'm willing to work with just about anyone, if if if if I was to work with James tho, that would mean working with him for the long haul. Ppl don't like him but he is really good at the game too. So let's say somehow it was me and him in the final 2, would he destroy me? Or would I have a chance if I build some better relationships?
Also even now Hali James and Stephanie are online for a while but no one's said anything to me yet.....like really I don't know who's talking to who. Is anyone talking to James? Is no one talking to him but they assume I am? I think I need to get better at this game. I don't wanna be doing nothing and just get dragged to the final.