- Thu Dec 08, 2022 7:54:48 pm
lets answer these shall we,
1. Who
James that's who!! i mean that tribal sure was something! - im happy with him staying, he is just a big threat that gets people riled up. When i saw that idol image get posted i was thinking "its too perfect, its too helpful... i think its fake" so i kept my vote on james. But alas, it swayed enough people to vote naseer instead. Now maybe they were already voting naseer and theres this big behinf the scenes conspiracy idk about, but makes more sense that they just got spooked.
So the plan im hearing still is to vote james out, idk if it will just be him and stephanie going at each other (with the one vote for voce lets not forget). James winning immunity would be interesting, wouldnt mind seeing that. in that case then id guess rodney or voce might be on people's minds, paul said as much but i think rodney has more going on than we know. Voce its a 50/50 - if he stays great, if he goes mystery box.
now the biggest who of them all.. who is michelle? I think im playing a pretty safe game rn, perhaps goaty. It's not terribly different than a lot of people seem to be playing rn so not sure if ive got the right combo of attributes to win just yet. Stranded is just a different breed, it seems to reward chaos and i just haven't tapped into that side of me yet. I could use a little king james theatrics.
2. What?
what... does naseer going home mean for me? not too much i dont think - he was a residual ally, we never had a huge amount of game talk so it was another person gone. Can't complain about that! And im not surprised it swung that way bc its what i heard as a plan b.. if i hadn't stuck on james i woulda done naseer. So its nice that i think im hearing the right stuff.
what... am i doing? IDK! i just tell people what i think will sound good, what i think they want to hear. I dont even know what i want or believe myself im just going with the flow. All i know is i just ride or die w paul, i love having a ride or die. we're a super freakin obvious duo but maybe its SO obvious its not obvious. no its obvious.
3. Why?
Why did tribal happen the way it did? Well, james obviously knew he was on the outs after morgan got voted out. THEN that challenge was a pretty clear-cut "we want u out james" and so he did a hail mary w at tribal and that bitch answered his prayers.
4. How?
How am i going to win this game u may ask? Um... ugh like im aware i play a kinda basic social game. It's very "tell people anything they wanna hear", "vote out anyone who isnt me", "be likeable and chatty enough that im not a blob to people" - so very sandra diaz-twine of me; so ig i'll win.