1. Ahh sequences, the age-old memory game favorite. Tell me in three words how much you love that challenge.
- I sounded crazy. Lol, my fiancé was listening me trying to keep up with it, and said I sounded insane. it really wasn't that bad though, the questions are worded so weirdly that it makes you second guess yourself. Fun game though!!
2. There was some last-minute scrambling after the immunity challenge, were you in on it? What did you make of it?
- We had about 40 minutes in-between and James decided to send his messages out 10 minutes before. He was clearly copy and pasting them, he didn't even take the time to replace my name with Michelles. He claimed that we were on the bottom and we needed to take control of the game with him, voce, and rodney. I didn't fall for it, if I am on the bottom of where I'm at, why would I jump on a sinking ship? To work with James and Rodney???? No thanks lol.
3. James talked about some sort of horizontal totem pole tonight in tribal. Where are you on the totem pole? Extra points for drawing the totem pole.
- I was very much in the middle, if not dead center of his horizontal totem pole. He has Stephanie and Sydney at the very top, which I thought was veryyyy interesting considering Sydney is online for maybe 2 hours a day, and Stephanie doesn't seem to care to talk to certain people. Mike wanted to exchange our personal totem poles, and I didn't give him what I was 100% thinking. My personal one would probably be, if it had to be linear, rodney, Sydney, Michelle, Stephanie, me, voce, Paul, mike. There was no way I was going to tell mike that I think he's on top, as much as he might be telling myself that he thinks he is lower tier or middle. He has a lot of connections and has been taking the wheel for most of this game.
4. If you were a ravioli, what kind would you be?
- I would like to be a 4 cheese ravioli in vodka sauce
5. Be honest, did you ever buy the story that James and Morgan weren’t working together?
- Hellllll no! If Lindsey were in this game, I would obviously gravitate toward her, work with her, and I don't think we would pretend to not work with each other. It's so obvious, even on this tribe you have to assume that people that played together last season have some kind of comfort level playing with one another, it's just natural. There's me and mike, Paul and Michelle, voce and syd. I don't think many people know that Stephanie and I were on a tribe for 1 vote together though. Even with Rodney I already feel like I have the upper hand on understanding him vs everyone else who has no idea. But yeah long story short, no, and if I'm wrong, sorry guys, but it was the easiest way to make a target which is hard in this short game.
6. Please rank (in text) the remaining houseguests below based on how much you trust working with them moving forward.
- Mike: I'm till putting a lot of trust in him, it's very important in these next 3 votes that we make it through together, I still probably trust him 95%
- Stephanie: I really like working with Stephanie because unlike mike, I don't think she talks game with every single person here and I think if I went to the end with her it would be a fair fight between us. 85%
- Michelle: My read on Michelle is that she is very loyal, I like Michelle a lot, I have a gut feeling that I can trust her, and I do think she is genuine when she says she wants to stay strong with me, her, mike and Paul. However, I don't feel comfortable sharing every bit of information I have with her. 78%
- Paul: I think Paul is about to get real crazy, and I need to keep him on my side. He also says how he likes the 4 of us, but I don't think I want him to get to the 4, he's also becoming a challenge threat which will be an easy way to get someone out. 70%
- Voce: I have a feeling Voce took James' words to heart and is going to start really playing, I don't know if he's going to include me in these plans, I didn't chat with him at all yesterday so I hope that's not a sign he doesn't want to work with me, but a lot of people took a break yesterday. 50%
- Sydney: She's really not online much, I think she would vote with me, but there's not game talk with her so I just never know. 35%
- Rodney: Same as Sydney, we have fun conversations but not much game talk, I never know where his head is at, but I think he would vote with me if I tried hard enough. 65%
Other thoughts:
- The next vote is where the lines will be drawn, I only heard from steph that Michelle's name is out there but I think she only heard that from voce. Which if that is voce's move I think it's really dumb. I would think he would want to go for Paul which makes more sense in my opinion. Mike said he wants to think about going for Voce. I think steph wants to go for either Paul or Michelle because she thinks one of them voted for her, I think it was rodney personally.
- For my position I think this is where I have to make choose on whether to stick with Paul and Michelle, and basically figure out if they're loyal to me and mike. Another fear is that people think too hard about me, mike, and steph being a 3, they could easily go against us and take one of us out for this vote. Stephanie thinks that it would be her, but honestly I think it would be Mike. But if Mike gets out I would actually like to have a hand in that, it would be a big move on my part, but one that has to be done closer to f6 or f5.
- I think if could have my way for the next vote it would be voce or rodney. Voce is a wild card still to me, he's one I really can't get a good read on. Rodney again with the whole goat thing, I don't want people to start putting him in their mental FTC plans.
- I am very excited for this next challenge, this is where people get exposed and people get mad. It'll be great AS LONG AS I'm not put in bad light lol obviously. But it's like high school superlatives and always bring the drama.
There's a lot of thinking and talking to be done, and I'm not sure how this is gonna go for me, I can't stay low key for long, I know that for sure. It's all about balance because I don't want to tank my game either. That's all for now, might have to update tomorrow if there's any chatter tonight!!