-- 12th Place - Voted Out 9-1 --
It's back. You're back. We're back. LET'S GO!!!

As you should remember from last season, this is your very own confessional space to say whatever it is you want. It's where you will cast votes and change the fate of many in this game. Only hosts and alumni can view this space. Talk here anytime to ask the hosts questions, let us in about alliances you have and which ones are fake or real, who you are vibing with and who you want out, or just straight up nonsensical venting. We love a good and active confessional, we want to see your arc evolve from S40: Stranded in the Aegean Sea! All us hosts and viewers are excited to have you back once again, so we appreciate you being here.

Here are some questions to get back into the swing of things:

  1. How excited are you to be back playing Stranded again? Tell us what's been going on in your life since Aegean Sea happened. What made you come back once more?
  2. Look around you. What are some initial thoughts about who is on this season of Mykonos with you? Are you surprised to see anyone, or not see anyone? Anyone that you are excited to play with, or not play with?
  3. How are you feeling about the contrast of playing on a smaller and shorter season this time compared to the (surprise!) cast of 40 players last time?
  4. Think about your previous game, where you sadly were a pre-juror. Why do you think you went out when you did? If you could change one thing you did last season, what would you do different? Are there any experiences from last season that you will put into this season?
  5. Are you going to play similarly to how you did during S40, or do you have a different strategy going into this?
Good luck and best wishes to you!

Dean Kowalski

  • Host
  • Posts: 85
  • Awards: Group Group Group Group
Goodness, I’m back. Quite surprised I was asked even, but I am appreciative of this second opportunity! My life has been a tumultuous up-and-down since I last played, but the road ahead is thankfully looking like an upward trajectory. I am still a college student studying creative writing and Biology, and I am still dating my partner (we hit a year a few months ago 😁). I do have the new Pokémon game, though, which I did not have last time. Definitely taking up a sum of my free time. Haha

And regarding the cast, I am going to try and treat this as a new experience altogether. I recognize some names, as well as people who I had worked with at some point during my season (such as Hali and Mike), but my first experience on the island is rather foggy to me. I already have a diagnosis of weak memory attention, but the weed probably doesn’t help. 🤣 I do think, however, acknowledging previous relationships the OTHER plays may have will be beneficial. I may be entering with a carte blanche, but the other castaways may be harboring grudges or close relationships of which I am not yet aware. Hopefully I can connect with someone who has a better grasp on the social dynamics, especially if I am wrong with any of my initial perceptions. And yes, a smaller cast is lovely. I hate smalltalk, so I prefer actual connections or conversations, and a larger cast made it tiring. But, I’m an introvert, so my social battery needs recharging. 

My primary downfall last time I played was inactivity, plainly. People seemed to not DISLIKE me by any means, but found me untrustworthy or unreliable due to my, well, unreliability in communication. Losing Nina through a circumstance none of us could prevent was also a blow to my morale at the time, I think. I had never participated in a forum game of this style, and to be honest, I do find it daunting still. Rather than be passive, though, I want to throw myself into the game. Will I be some mastermind or masterclass player? Probably not. But, I want to enjoy the experience. And enjoy I shall! Unless I get first boot. 

I want to play similarly to how I intended to play Aegean Sea, but not the actual execution. Besides the inactivity, I did not particularly enjoy being the backup plan every round!! I want to enter this game with adaptability and fluidity as the main themes, not setting myself with expectations. I acknowledge my strengths are in the social game, not as much in competition prowess, but I do have SOME sense of strategy. It is more so... avoiding the pitfall of overthinking and paranoia. Who doesn’t love witnessing a paranoid mess, though?
Loveita Adams, Catalie, John liked this


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