✮ The Catalie's Meow ✮
Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2022 9:33:40 am
I decided to make a fancy little banner for this blog because it's prettier on the eyes but also I was extremely jello of Dani's in the last season of Isolated so I'm stealing her shit. Imitation is the highest form of flattery and all of that.
That said that quote is literally me, and my sig at ORGy at the moment so I'm using it here too because it so ridiculously me. And thus I will beegin this officially with talking to myself about myself. The truth is, I have no fucking time for much of anything right now, because I have way too much on my plate. ORG life, I'm hosting two games ((One that started a couple nights ago.)) and another creative one, and then the 9 zillion things I do in life being the homemaker and mom of a house of 9 people, it's just fucking insane. And real life is kicking me in the ass for the holiday shit and my father's health and ability to be mobile without help is huge thing right now. So I'm taking care of him even more than I have been and I hate even thinking about this, but he's probably not got too long left and had a few really big falls in the last several weeks and it's a lot. So ORGs right now are my way of keeping my mind busy too, or else I'd be more of a mess. My point in all of this is, I really don't have time for another game lul But I am making my best effort to follow this season, because I love my Stranded lurking experiences more than I can express, and I wouldn't miss this special little season even if it kills me, so I'll do my best here.
I won't be able to do the Discord shit a lot, though I did read some stuff but just DMing and shit that isn't with my co-hosts at the moment isn't a thing I can commit to. But I can bee here every morning for an bit to check in and read shit, so that's what I'm doing the most and that is why this blog is happening at the board.
Anyways, moving on to the game overall. I'm pumped and excited for a small game not gonna lie. It's a cute way to do this, I know Poodz was hoping for a bigger cast but this intimate merged style I think will promote and become fodder for a more intense game. And I read his post telling bitches this is the time to make moves and get shit done, since duh it totally is. There shouldn't be an easy boots here, honestly. I think for some of this cast each player who leaves should be calculated, so I can't wait to see how they all take that on. I also am very pleased with this line up, I'm just glad Dom is not in this. :x I can't imagine how he would have handled this, but on the flipside it's actually kind of sad too. Since everyone expected his return and I think with this particular cast he woulda been in an amazing spot, but oh well. The Bounty twist is fine? I'm not too keen on how it's being approached by one player, but that might just be a quick shit post and I'm reading too much into it, but we'll get to that in a bit. For now, this should be a really good time.
That being said, I'm going to get into this cast real quick and shit I've read and gleaned from confessionals today and just general comments for the opening, let's go.
Carolyn - I like seeing her back here, I know she was a lot more absent in the last game and I'm glad to see her recognize that and want to do better. She's so sweet and endearing so I'm hoping she finds some footing here.
Hali - Queen shit right here, obviously rooting for her hard. I wish she posted an update, since I have no clue what's going on with her yet. But I expect greatness. And obviously the others know how sweet and great she is, so I can see her getting really far but I don't know about her winning because she's so damn likable someone is going to cut her throat before tramples these bitches in the end.
King James - It's true what I said to Morgan, I was a a JaMorgan stan in the last season and I am again here too.. though his take on Stephanie and inability to let that shit go or talk it through is a bit much, I won't lie. Granted, I KNOW how he felt about Steph last time around and quite frankly I felt the same way, lul But bro, it's a new game. Stephanie is kind of on an island somewhat or at least would be open to talking. She's a cunt, not a brick wall. I think he and Morgan might struggle a bit with the obvious tension between them and her, maybe this is the rivalry of the season? I actually hope so, since it'll keep shit spicy. But truth be told, idek which side to root for, since I want them all to do well here. D:
Michelle - Didn't really get to see her play last time, but loved her updates so far and her personality and the stuff she posted so far is hella endearing.
Mike - MIKEonos domination for the win. This is so bias as fuck, but I don't give a shit. Would love to see Mike win this season. Also, he did get to the finals in Beevivor 20 and played a stellar social game, and the strategy was not bad at all either.. though him wanting to boot his own BvW partner was lulz worthy to watch, probs not so much for Cochran D: But still, I love that he can grasp his biggest issue from the past games, and that was making assumptions about shit or reading too much into things and creating a narrative that just didn't exist lol And then working against it, it's really hard to watch that type of play from this end, especially from a player who is so on point overall. But he's learned to stave off that shit and I'm totally rooting for him to get this win hardcore. But I can also see him being the #bigmove target later. Also highkey love how he and James talk about each other, lol It's like they are tight but also cautious for all the right and wrong reasons.
Morgan - I truly was devastated by her boot, and I knew it was coming but it just got worse when Dom left her that novel in a whisper lul But she was always leaving there, unless something drastic happened. But still, love having her here with James. Hate the Steph tension. I really wish people would just come out and be real and have a conversation and move on. Some of the best ORG relationships and strong bonds come from bitches who are "enemies" who decided to get real and play together. Anyways, I'm sure her and James will get broken up in a few rounds, I just sadly don't see them getting to stay together the entire time, but I'd be glad to be proven wrong on this.
Naseer - Didn't really get to see him in action last time around, his updates are cute so we'll see where things go for him.
Paul - Sorry, but he's already on my shit list. I mean, I know some of the details from his boot ((Though those were the rounds I missed in AS)) but like for this shit alone: "Okay so my bounty is Stephanie. that's a bit bummy because I like her but consider her my number one target now. I'm doing anything I can to get a box. " this bitch has got to go. The worst thing about this too, is that I think if he does target her then Morgan and James will hop on that and that's gross. Like there was a bounty twist like this in a BvW game that sp did based on One Piece ((Terrible game :) )) Anyways, no one killed anyone for it there and I love the idea for the twist though, don't get me wrong. It's just the fact that he's saying shit like "I'm doing anything" to get a box, like fuck off. Sorry not sorry. I mean maybe he's just talking shit and smack because it was early since that post was from two days ago, lul I just don't dig that mentality, but also I don't want Steph to go for such a stupid fucking reason and I already know others who will jump to kill her, so it just sucks.
Rodney - Thank you, next.
Stephanie - Part of me is rooting for her because I did end up having some major respect for it by the end of her stay in the last game, and that was after I got over not digging her, lul but like I think I'm just super supportive now and rooting for her to get passed all the shit she has against her. That's the crux in open-id either way, you come in with pre-existing factors obviously. It's just really sad that she could be ousted just for who she is. I mean I get that her relationships with the others weren't hot either, but I really do wish these people can make some peace. Especially since I see them all as the big threat types too. I really hope she doesn't get got early, but with so much against her already it might be hard to stay afloat. Granted, I have not read any PMs and some people didn't go over shit as detailed in confessionals than others, and the game is just starting really but still. Hoping I'm wrong and she gets out of the hole she's in with some peeps.
Sydney - Didn't really get to see her in action last time either, but she was active in the server and I love how people are reacting to her, lol Wasn't she the one who eluded to fucking Ozzy or being in that circle of Survivor famewhores in LA? lol idk maybe I'm wrong, but I remember someone talking about that on the reunions or whatever, I feel like it was her but idk. And she's so real and raw in the little she's said, we love an oversharing, self-aware Queen. I also believe she was innocent of any crimes she did NOT commit.
Voce - Don't really know him well either, but I loved Mike's Prof X take for him, so there's that? But also he's kind of adorably oblivious with thinking someone found the HII cus he can't get into the forum either lul
And that's about it for now. I'll bee back later or tomorrow *meow*